

Social Studies Education

The Dept. of Social Studies aims to train students to be future excellent elementary school teachers understanding various social phenomena. The trainees could think, speak and act as rational democracy citizens. The department provides coherently integrated curriculum including social sciences and social studies education.

  • Tel+82-53-620-1320

Professor's introduction

Professor's introduction
Name Major E-Mail Name Major E-Mail
Park Soon-ho Geographic Education, Multicultural Education shpark@dnue.ac.kr Song In-ju History Education songij@dnue.ac.kr
Lee Yong-il Western History hboell@dune.ac.kr Kim In-soo Sociology iskim94@dnue.ac.kr
Chang, Hyeok-june Social Studies Education june7709@dnue.ac.kr Kim, Jae-geun Economic education jaegeun@dnue.ac.kr
Kim, Gap-cheol Geography Education gapcheol.kim@dnue.ac.kr Yang, Ji-hye History yjh@dnue.ac.kr

Specialized Course

Providing information on Courses, Credit, 3rd Grade(1st semester, 2nd Semester), 4rd Grade(1st semester, 2nd Semester) as a specialized course in Social Studies Education
Courses Credit 3rd Grade 4th Grade
1st semester 2nd semester 1st semester 2nd semester
Total 18 4 3 5 6
Introduction to Economics 2 2
Survey Method of Local Geography 2 2
Practice in Mapping 3 3
Civic, Political and Law-related Education 3 3
Modern and contemporary Korean History 2 2
Theories of Teaching Local History 2 2
Social Change and Human Being 2 2
Modern and contemporary western History 2 2