

Music Education

The Dept. of Music Education aims to educate students to acquire basic musical techniques and knowledge, and a taste for music required as an essential condition for elementary music teachers. The courses cover all aspects of elementary music education, particularly focusing on teaching methods and theoretical background.

  • Tel+82-53-620-1370

Professor's introduction

Professor's introduction
Name Major E-Mail Name Major E-Mail
Park Ki-seob Composition kiseob@dnue.ac.kr Koh Seon-mi Voice kohdiva@dnue.ac.kr
Choi Mi-young Music Education choimiyoung@dnue.ac.kr Hwang Dae-jin instrumental music djwhang@dnue.ac.kr
Lee Young-ju Voice yjlee@dnue.ac.kr Jeong Hyo Sung gukak, Korean classical music hyosung3340@dnue.ac.kr

Specialized Course

Providing information on Courses, Credit, 3rd Grade(1st semester, 2nd Semester), 4rd Grade(1st semester, 2nd Semester) as a specialized course in Music Education
Courses Credit 3rd Grade 4th Grade
1st semester 2nd semester 1st semester 2nd semester
Total 18 3 2 6 7
Sight Reading & Ear Training 2 2
Music Pedagogy Ⅰ 1 1
Introduction to Elementary School Music Education 2 2
Teaching music textbooks and methods for music education in the elementary school 1 1
Ochestra Performance 2 2
Advanced Music Performance and Practice 1 1
Chorus 2 2
Music Pedagogy Ⅱ 3 3
Instrumental Ensemble Learning and Teaching Methods 2 2
Composition Pedagogy 2 2