

School Art Education

The Dept. of School Art Education aims to produce competent teachers to carry out education at elementary schools effectively. The curriculum helps students get some idea of the various theories on the philosophy, history and current trends of elementary art education, criticism, the traits of children's art, teaching methods, and evaluation. It also helps them develop basic skills required in teaching art classes, such as painting, sculpture, design, calligraphy and appreciation.

  • Tel+82-53-620-1380

Professor's introduction

Professor's introduction
Name Major E-Mail Name Major E-Mail
Baik Jung-youl Art Educational Psychology bjyartist@dnue.ac.kr Kim Hwang-gee Art Education hgkime03@dnue.ac.kr
Kim Dong-choul Art plastique kdc@dnue.ac.kr Lee Eun-jeok Art Education eunjeok@dnue.ac.kr

Specialized Course

Providing information on Courses, Credit, 3rd Grade(1st semester, 2nd Semester), 4rd Grade(1st semester, 2nd Semester) as a specialized course in Art Education
Courses Credit 3rd Grade 4th Grade
1st semester 2nd semester 1st semester 2nd semester
Total 18 4 2 6 6
Korean Painting Figurative
Korean Painting Nonfigurative
Select 1 2 2
Art History 2 2
Education for Printing 2 2
Visual thinking meaning & forming Select 1 2 2
Education Theories in Children Art 2 2
Environmental sculpture education
Creative creation education
Select 1 2 2
Creativity for Consilience Education 2 2
Formative Convergence Education 2 2
Art Appreciation and Criticism Education 2 2