
Master’s Programs

Ethics and Character Education

The Ethics & Character Education program requires the graduate students to inquire into a variety of ethical issues in modern society, and helps them to develop the effective educational curriculum and methodologies for the purpose of keeping our home, school, or society safe and healthy. Based on this purpose, our program provides a variety of theoretical and practical courses in the areas of philosophy, ethics, religion, moral development, manners, moral education, curriculum development, etc. Students are expected to acquire the professional expertise in planning, organizing, practising, and assessing ethics & character education in diverse settings.

  • Tel+82-53-620-1300
  • LocationHumanities & Social Sciences Building No.406


Providing No., Name, Major, Areas of Interest and E-Mail information through Ethics & Character Education and faculty
No. Name Major Areas of Interest E-Mail
1 Choi, Shin-il Western Philosophy Moral Education, Hermeneutics sichoi@dnue.ac.kr
2 Jang, Yun-su East Asian Philosophy Confucianism, Korean Traditional Philosophy ysjang@dnue.ac.kr
3 Hur, Jae-bok Moral Education Moral Education, Moral Psychology & Development jaebok@dnue.ac.kr
4 Park, Seo-won Elementary Education Moral Education, Qualitative Inquiry seowoen@dnue.ac.kr
5 Kim, Duk-soo Western Philosophy Ethics, Social Philosophy, Moral Education kds@dnue.ac.kr
6 Choi, Jeong-yeon Eastern Philosophy Korean Confucianism, East Asian Ethics scientia@dnue.ac.kr
7 Kwon, Jae-eun Moral Education Moral Education, Moral Development, Moral Psychology kwonje@dnue.ac.kr