
Master’s Programs

Convergence Gifted Education

The goal of this program is to develop expertise of teachers in charge of convergence gifted or gifted education. In order to be convergence gifted education experts, it is important to understand the characteristics of gifted children and their selection methods; be able to develop convergence education teaching and learning programs according to the characteristics of the gifted; plan for dealing with the emotional and social conflict factors of the gifted; efficiently operate gifted education institutions; and so on.

  • Tel+82-53-620-1351
  • LocationScience Education Building No.410


Providing No., Name, Major, Areas of Interest and E-Mail information through Convergence Gifted Education and faculty
No. Name Major Areas of Interest E-Mail
1 Choi, Chang-woo Algebra Gifted Education (Math) / Gifted Teaching-Learning Program Development (Math) cwchoi@dnue.ac.kr
2 Kim, sang-lyong Statistics Gifted Education Assessment (Math) / Recreation Program Development slkim@dnue.ac.kr
3 Ryu, Sung-rim Math Education Characteristics and Identifying of the Gifted (Math) / Creativity Development and Gifted Education srryu@dnue.ac.kr
4 Choi, Jae-ho Analysis Gifted Education Teaching and Learning / Observation of the Gifted & Training Practice (Math) choijh@dnue.ac.kr
5 Lee, Hyun-dong Earth Science Education Seminar Ⅱ in Convergence Gifted and Talented Education / Theories on evaluation in Convergence Gifted Education leehd@dnue.ac.kr