
Master’s Programs

Children’s Literature Education

Children's literature education makes up an important part of elementary education since a great amount of children's literature is found in elementary Korean language textbooks, and literature-based language teaching has always been very popular. Children's literature education involves holistic understanding of children's literature. It can be classified as education of children's literature creation, education through children's literature, and education about children's literature. Children's literature education can therefore be a means of achieving the educational goals linked with certain subjects such as Korean language, social studies, and ethics.

  • Tel+82-53-620-1310
  • LocationHumanities & Social Sciences Building No.418


Providing No., Name, Major, Areas of Interest and E-Mail information through Children’s Literature Education and faculty
No. Name Major Areas of Interest E-Mail
1 Ryu, Duck-Jee Literature Education Studies on the Children's Literature and Literature Education / Studies on the Criticism of Children's Literature ryudj@dnue.ac.kr
2 Joo, Uoong-young History Education Understanding for Children's Historical Fiction uyjoo@dnue.ac.kr
3 Hwang, Mi-hyang Korean Language Education Children's Literature and the Essay hwangmh@dnue.ac.kr
4 Jin, Sun-hee Korean Language Education Studies on the Contemporary Children's Poetry / Understanding for Multicultural Children’s Literature shjin@dnue.ac.kr